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Why Uniforms?

  • Modesty: Students will be expected to wear a uniform that reflects their great dignity – being a Child of God, and the dignity of their vocation as students, and the seriousness of our shared tasks and goals.


  • Community: Wearing a uniform reminds us that we are a community, with common values, goals, and aspirations. It helps to strengthen this sense of belonging.


  • Reduces Distractions: Uniforms assist with facilitating the focus on our priorities and shared goals and values. It reduces the tendency for students to compete with each other by wearing the "cool" brand name clothing.

  • Neat / Professional: Research reveals that students learn better when dressed for the goal of learning. We can reflect upon how we dress according to the task. (Dressing up for church… Dressing in active wear for exercise... Dressing in pajamas for bed...) Therefore, wearing a uniform places our students in the state of mind for learning – improving our students’ attention, focus, achievement and behavior. 

  • Economical: We want this to be as cost effective as possible. Feel free to purchase at any retail store (or online) as long as they fit the following criteria:

    • No advertisements (No brand name logos, etc.)

    • No graphics (No pictures)

    • Loose fitting for both ladies and gentlemen (loose fitting slacks… flowing skirts)

    • No rips, tears, etc.

Gentlemen's Uniforms

  • Any, or all, of the following color polos with black slacks and black dress shoes. Belt required when tucked in.

  • No advertisements (logos, print, pictures, etc.).


Gentlemen's P.E. Uniforms

  • Dark red t-shirt, black basketball shorts to the knee, and sneakers.

  • No advertisements or graphics (logos, print, pictures, etc.)

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ladies' Uniforms

  • Any, or all, of the following color polos with black skirt and black dress shoes (flats or with heel - 2 inches or less).

  • No advertisements or graphics (logos, prints, pictures, etc.).

  • ​Polos may be tucked or untucked. Skirts: mid-calf or full length.

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  • Elementary – option for grades K-5 only*

    • White Oxfords/blouses (short/long sleeves) may ONLY be worn with the jumpers. Please change Oxfords/blouses for PE

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ladies' P.E. Uniforms

  • Dark red t-shirt with black basketball shorts to the knee and sneakers.

  • No advertisements or graphics (logos, print, pictures, etc.).

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